​Welcome to the Operational Framework needed to Facilitate the Projected Revenues
for New Global Markets and the Creation of Numerous FlexJobs Worldwide
The A-Square Technology Group and Nascent Applied Methods & Endeavors
The personnel at NAME have developed a process of imprinting the presence & conditions of the human mind & body into the digital realm. This process consists of applying the human genome or genetics towards those words, concepts & ideas, used to describe the psychological & physical traits of both mind & body, as they relate to each other and the environment on a day-to-day basis, through Genomic Hierarchical Operating System Technologies (GHOST).
Once we have supplied you with the outline of a free patentable version of our technologies, we will then begin the processes of using your actual and/or virtual genetic profiles to: (1) Encrypt the information contained within our computer networks with strategic & tactical firewalls. “No more expensive & time consuming upgrades of current viral software programs.” Especially, since computer viruses now & in the future will have to know both of our encrypted genetic profiles at a given point in time, in order to invade & violate our computer networks; (2) Establish a foundation for you to apply for a patent of a genetically specified version of our technologies, upon which your own genome will become your exclusive property. “Therefore, no doctor, pharmaceutical, research institution or industry can ever take your genetic profile to make money with it without first paying you royalties.” Especially, since your genetic profile will once again become your own exclusive property, with all traditional rights afforded; (3) Establish with our free technologies a foundation for you as a third-party developer, to acquire an income of untold sums of money, by creating unique programming variations for & within our subscriber and advertising-base. Revenues for third-party developers usually range from $250K - $10M for varied projects. Revenues acquired depend upon your skill level(s), and the overall size of NAME’s subscriber-base usage or variations requested at the time.
NAME’s GHOST technologies include an autonomous Internet Based Operating System, Distributed Artificial Life Program & Integrated Autonomous Office Application (i.e., Word, Spreadsheets, Database, Internet COM System, Web Page/Site Developer, Game Configurations, Autonomous Agent Technologies, Job Related Planning & Design Configuration Technologies, etc.). The basic premise of NAME’s technologies is to provide for our subscriber & advertising base, new processes & procedures that will accommodate better overall strategic or tactical management & NEW MARKET implementation of their products & services.
Additionally, this same technology, once individualized, can be used to vastly improve the day-to-day computer use for yourself and your family members as well. For example, let’s say that you or a family member, upon receiving a medical examination, are told that there now exists a serious medical problem. Well, with NAME’s technology-base, you will no longer have to involve yourselves with time consuming manual keyword searches, looking through traditional portals for information related to the newly discovered medical problem(s) & its treatment strategy(ies) over the Internet. In other words, just simply have yourself or doctor download the medical report, or any document for that matter, into your genetically based encryption database or computer. Then, watch as the combined efforts of our technologies obtain in seconds, and on a 24/7/365 bases, only that relevant information located throughout the entire Internet, that pertains to you and your family’s abilities to acquire knowledge about support groups, cutting-edge clinical studies & experimental drugs or treatment strategies for those quality-of-life issues regarding yourself or your family members. Additionally, through our virtual lab technologies, your genetic profile may be used to discover never before developed cutting-edge solutions to your own medical problem(s) within augmented and/or virtual reality. Which, in turn could be presented to the medical industry for profit. Registration is required for secured access and network order process management.
Abstract: One of the basic premises of our technology base is to use both the DNA and RNA genetic matrixes depicted below, as templates to convert words, concepts and ideas into cutting-edge business models. These business models will have the abilities to autonomously upgrade themselves as in current fluctuation global markets. That will automate the processes of organizational change (i.e., Change Management) as the investment or consumer perimeters may change over the course of time. An example of the research and development procedures of this area is further detailed within the file titled, The Structure of the Grammatic Genome. The subsequent draft documents represent the further application of nuclear elements as a means of autonomously re-engineering the development processes involved in the investigative procedures of patentable business model implementation.
The Rough Draft of Matrixed Applications
within a Planning & Design Approach - D